Installing Apache
16 Jun 2006 @ 01:29PM

Updated: 27 Jan 2010 @ 01:48PM
We'll begin by installing the webserver (Apache). Be sure you don't have IIS installed...or if you do, either move it to another port or at the very least disable the web server. If you don't know how to do that, just go to Add/Remove programs, Windows Components, and remove IIS. If you have no clue what I'm talking about, don't worry about it.

We downloaded a Windows installer, so begin by just running the installation wizard.

The installation begins.

Yay, an EULA!

A couple more screens, and the answers here don't actually matter, except maybe the port choice.

Choose a typical installation.

Continue though the last few screens and the installation should be over. If you get an error message mentioning "one use of each socket address" then you've probably got IIS or some other web server already installed. Come post on my forums if you need help with this. For everyone else, the installation should complete successfully and you'll end up with a new icon next to your system clock that'll look like this:

To do a quick test, open up your browser. Put in your address bar and hit enter/go. You should see the generic Apache page. Congratulations, you just installed your web server.
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