6 Feb 2008 @ 07:44AM

Updated: 25 Jan 2010 @ 07:44AM
Operators are what allow us to compare or do other work within C#. We've already looked at a few. For instance we've looked at the relative operator ==. We've also looked at the additive operator (+) and a special additive operator (+=). Some other operators we've looked at already are the Boolean AND operator (&&) and the Boolean OR operator (||). Here we're going to go into a bit more detail on the various operators. This is not going to cover every operator out there, just some of the more common ones. If you're looking for a more inclusive list, try CSharpHelp.com or MSDN
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Math Operators
+int x = 1+3
string mystring = "Hello " + "my friend"
Adds together two values. In this case it sets the variable x equal to 4. Can also be used to concatenate strings as in the second example.
-int x = 3-1Subtracts two values. In this case it sets the variable x to 2.
/int x = 4/2Divides two values. In this case it sets the variable x to 2.
*int x= 4*2Multiplies two values. In this case it set the variable x to 8.
^int x = 5^2This turns the number to the right of the caret into a power. This is the same as writing 52 which is of course equal to 25.
++int i=0;
Adds one to the number. In this case i would be equal to 0. This is identical to writing i=i+1.
--int i=0;
Subtracts one from a number. In this case i would be equal to -1. This is identical to writing i=i-1.
+=int i=0;
Adds the value on the right to the value on the left. In this case i is equal to 5. This is identical to writing i = i + 5. May also be used to concatenate strings.
-=int i=0;
Subtracts the value on the right from the value on the left. In this case i is equal to -5. This is identical to writing i = i - 5.
%int i=5;
int k = 5 % 2
This is the modulo operator. It takes the number on the left, divides by the number on the right and returns the remainder. In this case k=1. Why 1 and not .5? Because ints are rounded to the nearest whole number.
Relational Operators
=int x = 5Set the value on the left to the value on the right. With this expression we set x equal to 5.
==if(x == 5)Compares the value on the left to the value on the right. Here we have the start of an if statement checking to see if x is equal to 5.
!=if(x != 5)Compares the value on the left to the value on the right. This returns true only if the two are NOT the same. This would read if x is not equal to 5 then...
<if(x < 5)Compares the value on the left to see if it is smaller tham the value on the right.
>if(x > 5)Compares the value on the left to see if it is greater than the value on the right.
>=if(x >= 5)Compares the value on the left to see if it is greater than or equal to the value on the right.
<=if(x >= 5)Compares the value on the left to see if it is less than or equal to the value on the right.
Boolean Operators
&&(if x == 5 && y == 2)The AND operator. To return true, both portions of this statement must return true.
||(if x == 5 || y == 2)The OR operator. To return true, either or both of the portions in this statement must return true.
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There are other operators but these are the ones you'll be using the most of. I rarely use any operators not defined in the list above. Though you're certainly not expected to memorize everything in a programming language (that's what Google is for) memorizing the above table is probably one of the more handy things you can do. Then again, just by programming you'll probably memorize them anyway.

That does it for this tutorial. With the information presented in this and the previous tutorials you should now be able to write an actual web application. Further tutorials will cover making web applications more valuable by doing things like adding a database backend, doing file operations, and whatever else I feel like writing a tutorial about.
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