I spent the last few months rewriting the Clankiller website and have been slowly upgrading it over the last week. It's still not entirely transitioned, but it's getting close. If you notice any problems, please leave a comment on this new item, or, if that doesn't work, try posting on the forums. Overall, I have now transitioned from a mostly static site to one that's fully dynamic. I've also integrated PHPbb's authentication system into the website. If you create a user account on clankiller.com or in my forums, the same username/password will work in either, and your logged in session will transfer between the two.
There are still some minor bugs popping up from time to time. As mentioned above, if you run into something, please don't hesitate to let me know.
I'm investigating an issue with user logins from the website validating against the forums. The reverse works (logging into the forums, then carrying that login to the website), but currently logging into the website does not work to log you into the forums. Once I get that fixed, I'll post an update.